Wheat Ridge Lutheran Church
October Food Drive – Thank you!
Lutheran Women in Mission (LWML) completed their Annual Food Drive in the month of October. Brown grocery bags with a list of suggested donation items were distributed at the beginning of the month then...
Does it all sound Greek to You?
Pastor Peck has a Biblical Greek class on Tuesdays at 7 pm. It is for beginners and very slow-paced, including periodical reviews. If you are interested, it is still not too late, jump in...
Join us for Family Game Night
The ACTS (Adults, Children, Teens, and Seniors) group is sponsoring family game nights every third Friday of the month at 6:30pm right here at Church. All you need is to bring a favorite game...
Thank you for your generosity!
The Angel Tree was set up once again this year and the gifts were collected for the Brandon Center, a shelter for abused women and their children. We collected hygiene items, and basic care...