We need your help in helping our neighbors in need
by Wheat Ridge Lutheran Church · Published · Updated
This collection drive has concluded. Thank you for your generous donations and support! You can drop off your donations at The Action Center any time as these needs have not gone away.
The effect of the COVID shut down reaches our neighbors on may levels. The Action Center now serves twice as many families (100-115 per day) who are having difficulties due to homelessness and unemployment, while donations have declined dramatically. The Wheat Ridge LWML group will have an ongoing food and personal hygiene items drive to help these families. Please consider bringing a few items on the following list on Sundays to help our neighbors.
Personal Hygiene items
- Feminine products are in great need and they are always in short supply
- baby diapers
- baby wipes
- tooth brush
- toothpaste
- lotion
- shampoo
- bar soap
- body wash
- comb
- brushes
Non-Perishable Food items
- tuna
- peanut butter
- canned meats
- canned soup
- canned vegetables
- spaghetti sauce
- pasta
- dried and canned beans
- cereal
- macaroni and cheese
- baby food
- baby formula
- paper products
- laundry supplies